Firstly let me say that I do not have any tattoos. That may or may not surprise you, I guess. When I was young the only females in our City that had tattoos were the rather salubrious type of females. These days though tattoos are quite fashionable and I have noticed that both young and old, male and female are getting hooked on tattoos. I have known a couple of older ladies who have had tattoos for their birthdays.
The most surprising to me was a colleague who had a tattoo for her 60th birthday. I do not have a problem with tattoos but do not understand the attraction, especially as a birthday gift, as opposed to other frivolous nonsense. Perhaps some of the older ladies just want to express a little individuality and rebellion, maybe as it was not experienced when young. Still to each his or her own but tattoos are such permanent body art that you need to weigh up the pros and cons first.
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